The Opposite of Anarchy-
Last nite downtown Santa Cruz was the OPPOSITE of anarchy- it was a
celebration! of LIFE! oddly enough, of POLITICS! of HOPE! of HUMANITY!
Until last nite, it hadbeen a loooong time since i was proud to be an
American. Maybe since i was a Boy Scout. Downtown Santa Cruz, like many,
many other places, was INSANE!!!
People -like Vanessa and i- were just walking around with big SMILES on
their faces, yelling, chanting- "YES WE CAN" or "O.BA.MA" or "U.S.A"... It
was insane, the exact OPPOSITE of anarchy! There were so many people
downtown that cars could not pass. People white, black, old, young, gay,
strait, were dancing in the streets, spinning, giving hi-5's and hugs to
perfect strangers.
It was a moment i've never seen, and will never forget. The words of our
eloquent new President ringing thru my head, "The road ahead will be long.
Our climb will be steep," but i knew, as the goosebumps and tears attested
to me all nite, that the people in USA CAME THRU! They looked THRU their
Bibles, and THRU the reality-bending powers that be, to see that as a force,
as a world-leader, as one of the best places to live, that USA is in dire
straits, and that we need a leader now that will not just say WORDS as part
of an election strategy, but would actually CREATE change.
I FEEL IT NOW, that we have a LEADER in charge or our country and our
future, actually an INTELLIGENT leader, that has the power to MOTIVATE
And THEN, that this inspirational leader chosen by the USA citizens happens
to be BLACK, couldn't be more perfect to inspire us all to lose racial
boundaries, and to give extra confidence and pride to a large percentage of
our population that in our country's history, hasbeen kept down. And Obama
said not a WORD about his colour during his speech last nite.
And i awoke today, as the new Energy in our land does attest, feeling
invigorated, HOPEFUL for the future, and after last nite, now feeling PROUD
to be an American.